Top Men’s Health MD exposes the stealth chemical assault threatening to steal your vitality and scuttle your sex drive
Globalists have unleashed an unholy war on a man’s vigor. Because to create that perfect “woke” world, where everyone is equal, where no one is offended, men must pay the price.

This is a sneak attack – a chemical attack. And, as science has finally revealed, the attack is aimed directly at men’s testicles where testosterone is made.[1]

In fact, a comprehensive review of research done on both animals and humans concluded that widespread use of THIS toxic chemical is “dangerous for testicular development and function” and is the enemy of male sexual and reproductive health.[2]

But there are steps you can take to fight off the attack, because this insidious feminizing chemical is hiding everywhere. It’s in the air. It’s in your fruits and vegetables, your shampoo – even most medical equipment.[3]
That’s why without a strong defense, men are at the mercy of this attack. In fact, one scientific study found the chemical at “above safety thresholds,” in the urine of 90% of people in the study.

The result?

Modern man is at risk of stubborn indignities such as…
And the assault is relentless. As years of research have found, this sustained attack has diminished the thing that makes a man a man – his testosterone. All while making his female hormones suddenly more dominant.[6,7]
That’s because in the new world order, you must first be feminized – reduced. The easiest way to turn your hardwood into kindling is to scramble your hormones.

It’s why you need to fight back, now. Because sooner or later, you can imagine the world is going to make men proud of their man boobs. It’ll be a natural extension of the vast conspiracy to cripple man’s natural virility you see today.

And since the globalists’ ultimate goal is control – to make you docile on the job, satisfied with less, listless in bed, or worse…

If you find yourself checking out classic movies where real men thrived, or you miss the tavern where you could speak your mind, or you find that your love handles and man boobs are just plain stubborn…

Please take a few minutes with me, the leader of the counterattack against the coup on manhood.

I’m Dr. Al Sears – a specialist in aging and in male performance – and I’ll show you the culprits that have you under siege.

Because of my specialty, I can share with you the testosterone therapy secrets that most doctors probably wouldn’t tell you.

These secrets will arm you with the weapons, and the knowledge, that will allow you to turn back this pernicious enemy and restore the vim and vigor of your younger years.

That means in the bedroom, too.

It’s all why, today, I’m going to show you how to stop the chemical bombardment you’re unwittingly being exposed to with a next-generation way to set your testosterone free again…

This is a way to neutralize the chemical attack and restore healthy testosterone levels – so your manhood and virility can come roaring back at the same levels you experienced in your sexual prime.

“My next-generation testosterone solution is the single most popular treatment I have. When men try it, they experience incredible results. Often thanking me in person“

I’m talking about…
  • Rock-hard performance, rising quickly and staying strong
  • Intense sexual pleasure like when they were red-blooded 20-somethings
  • Complete satisfaction, knowing they’ve left their women wanting more
  • Pride in their bodies, feeling tighter, stronger, and more muscular
  • And more energy and stamina than they’ve had in years
One patient of mine, 68-year-old Milo, complained of sexual performance issues and “feeling held back” despite a fairly healthy lifestyle. But after six weeks in my care, he was a completely new man and was excited to tell me, “I have never felt better!”

And Milo isn’t the only one... At the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, we specialize in natural, cutting-edge solutions that work wonders when traditional medicine fails.

That’s why, when it comes to male sexual performance…
My next-generation testosterone solution is the single most popular treatment I have. When men try it, they experience incredible results. Often thanking me in person.
How does it work? By going in the complete OPPOSITE direction of most testosterone therapies…

You see, most doctors focus on your testosterone levels when they should be addressing a far more urgent problem

Right now, American men are being secretly dosed with environmental estrogens that are canceling out the effectiveness of T therapy.

It’s sending your testosterone into a tailspin and opening up a Pandora’s Box of sexual imbalances.

These rogue estrogens are everywhere, and you can pick them up from shampoos, plastic bags, carpets, skin creams, food containers, beef, pesticides, rivers, bottle tops… There’s just no hiding from them.

Just some of the sources of testosterone-harming chemicals

And although we’ve known about hormone disruptors for years, a new report is now showing they’re MUCH MORE PREVALENT and MUCH MORE DAMAGING than most people thought possible.
A new 20-year study by hormone specialist Shanna Swan, Ph.D.,[3] reveals that BPAs (industrial chemicals used to make plastic) are spiking men’s estrogen levels and draining them of their sexual vitality.

She reports that testosterone and sperm counts have collapsed by an unbelievable 50% over the last 50 years! And unfortunately, men’s sexual performance has followed suit.

Once you’re flooded with estrogens, T therapy doesn’t have a chance.
FACT: All the testosterone in the world won’t help you until you neutralize those excess estrogens.
And that’s exactly what
Estro-Cleanse Plus does:  
Neutralize excess estrogens so your T levels can return to optimal virile levels. It’s my new ground-breaking, next-generation testosterone solution.

Once you’re unshackled from these girly hormones, your testosterone will naturally rise and reclaim its rightful dominance within you.

You’ll be Master of the Bedroom once again — and feel on top of the world.
Within three months, you should experience a near-total masculinity recharge:
  • Your libido: Stronger, with invigorated sexual desire and pleasure
  • Your manhood: Harder, fuller, and with a longer-lasting, stallion-like performance
  • Your body: Looks trim and muscular as the flab melts away
  • Your energy: Up! As you experience levels you thought lost with youth
  • Your prostate: Feels relaxed, with fewer trips to the bathroom at night
It’s the complete all-natural way to rediscover your former glory.
The 2 Dirty Little Secrets of Testosterone Therapy
1. It’s not about total testosterone.
It’s about BALANCE.
Two men can have the exact same testosterone levelsBut if one also has high estrogen, he will have a disappointing sex life.

If the other has low estrogen, he’s going to look and act like a full-blooded, studly American male.
2. Adding testosterone can HURT your sex life even more!
Here’s a truth that every male health doctor should know, but few do:

When men receive testosterone injections, their bodies convert a sizable part of that into estrogen.

You read that right: estrogen.

All thanks to men’s aromatase enzyme. Higher amounts of this enzyme mean more of your testosterone will convert into estrogen.

If you’re over 50, you likely have MORE aromatase and, hence, MORE estrogen.

That’s just one reason why for 30 years, I’ve been warning my patients about the risks of testosterone therapy.

T therapy can sometimes trigger the feminizing effects you’re trying to avoid — right down to enlarged man breasts and shrinking testicles!

By reducing estrogen dominance — instead of adding testosterone — Estro-Cleanse Plus helps you achieve the perfect manly balance.
Get as high as 8 to 1, testosterone to estrogen, and you feel like superman. Strapping, tough, and able to take on the world.
Dr. Sears was one of the first to recognize the threat of gender-bending chemicals in the environment.
Over 20 years ago, he made the shocking discovery that testosterone-robbing pollutants were actually shrinking the genitals of Florida alligators.
He immediately began developing a solution to neutralize these environmental chemicals for men, to protect their manhood from the feminizing effects of these hormones. 

The result…
Estro-Cleanse Plus is now one of the most sought-after products among Dr. Sears’ 36 botanical formulas
Once men try it, they keep coming back for more. In contrast to traditional testosterone therapy, Estro-Cleanse Plus really works to restore and retain the sexual power of 40+ men.
Once you neutralize your excess estrogen, your testosterone can be unleashed and regain its natural dominance, refueling every inch of your manhood and infusing you with confidence to spare — at home, at work, and in every area of your life.

Some drugs promise to do that. But drugs are what caused these problems. We need to suppress synthetic chemicals, not add more.

Especially when all-natural solutions can do the job better. And with no unwanted side effects.
Dr. Sears has helped thousands of men achieve maximum male vitality.
“I cannot remember feeling this good, even as a kid.”
In all the years I had relied on traditional doctors, it seemed I would always get a new prescription that would make me feel awful again.

Dr. Sears gave me a non-drug therapy of supplements, and I immediately started to feel better. My follow-up blood tests kept getting better and better. All without prescription medications!

It’s my mission to share this breakthrough with as many men as I can.

At 64 years old, I cannot remember feeling this good, even as a kid. And I seem to feel better and better every day. I have been following Dr. Sears' advice for less than one year, and I feel better, sharper, and more alive than after five years of using traditional medical doctors.

When I first saw Dr. Sears, my muscles were flabby. Now I’m toning up. I am exercising again. Feel much stronger and more energetic.

My body is surprisingly toned. I certainly don't feel 64 anymore. I feel much younger. I feel so good. It is almost beyond description.

I am astounded that something this obvious is ignored by mainstream medicine. Overall, I am ecstatic with the results I have experienced. 

– William M.
Let Estro-Cleanse Plus put these double-power estrogen tamers to work for you.
I consider two little-known phytonutrients the strongest hormone balancers in nature.

One is called diindolylmethane (DIM for short). The other, indole-3-carbinol (or I3C). Despite their chemical-sounding names, they are both 100% natural phytonutrients–nutrients obtained from plants.

Both come from a family of nutrient-packed vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, and kale.
Here’s how they could pump up your masculinity.
  • “Pulverize” feminizing estrogens.
Both DIM and I3C support the breakdown of estrogen into harmless compounds in your bloodstream.

They clear the path to a healthier hormone balance where estrogen levels are curbed, and testosterone maintains its rightful place.

That’s about 4 to 8 parts testosterone for every 1 part of estrogen. I believe that’s the ideal ratio for a healthy American male.

Because DIM and I3C support a better metabolism, they appear to promote the active release of stored fat, according to a Korean mouse study — making it easier to shed pounds, decrease body fat, and build greater muscle mass.[4]

A meta-review carried out by the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University above confirms the metabolizing and removal of estrogen by both I3C and DIM.[5]

Another study at New York’s Albert Einstein School of Medicine published in the prestigious Journal of Nutrition confirms that DIM supports the reduction of unwanted estrogen in men.[6]
  • Curtail “bad” estrogens.
A few “supervillain” estrogens, such as 16-hydroxy, can be especially harmful to men. They’re often caused by environmental chemicals seeping into your body.

But DIM and I3C make quick work of them, according to the Linus Pauling Institute.
  • Stop testosterone from turning into estrogen.
As you saw, when testosterone is added to your body, it often does the opposite of what you want. It turns into estrogen — and for that, you can thank the enzyme aromatase.

Frankly, just getting older can also trigger aromatase to flip testosterone into estrogen. Either way, you wind up with lower T levels, higher female hormones, and squashed libido.

DIM and IC3 come to the rescue again… Together, they can help inhibit this unwelcome enzyme from draining away your masculinity and help you regain the pleasure and power of testosterone dominance.
  • Free up bound testosterone.
High estrogen can put testosterone in handcuffs. And shackled T is associated with excess body fat, reduced sex drive, and soft manhood.

Only free testosterone can cross into the brain, muscle, and fat cells, enabling it to activate your sexual appetite and performance.

Our twin heroes, DIM and I3C, have shown their ability to liberate testosterone from estrogen’s girly grip, allowing it to infuse its macho power and sexual energy with you.
  • Support your prostate health
“Good” hydroxyestrone also helps protect your prostate.

Estrogen can accumulate in prostate tissue, causing it to swell and send you on too-frequent trips to the bathroom at night.

DIM and I3C support estrogen’s natural breakdown so your prostate can maintain its healthy function.
Estro-Cleanse tops other supplements
Michael felt like he’d been on a slow downward progression for four years. After working with Dr. Sears, “I have been going in the right direction.” He has benefited from a few of Dr. Sear’s supplements but says Estro-Cleanse Plus “seems to have had the greatest effect.” – Michael M.
“Wonderful Results”
Estro-Cleanse Plus has demonstrated wonderful results for me personally. It has helped to regulate my hormones. I’m a 76-year-old male whose estrogen levels made me feel old and out of shape – but are now in a healthy range!”  – Hugh S.
"The transformation is miraculous. I'm definitely stronger and a lot leaner. And I can't believe how fast it worked. Life is good again. I'm so alert and energetic. Anything is possible now."  – Jay M.
Two more ways
Estro-Cleanse Plus helps you revitalize your virility
There are two more testosterone robbers that we also need to dispense of...

In my travels around the world, I discovered two extraordinary botanicals that crush them both. They are now key ingredients of Estro-Cleanse Plus.

Holy Basil is an Ayurvedic medicinal plant of India that’s been revered for its rejuvenating powers for more than 3,000 years.

It turns out to be loaded to the gills with healthy bioactive compounds. But here’s what I think has made it so popular with men over these centuries. Scientific studies suggest that…
Holy Basil removes one of the biggest obstacles standing between you and the best sex of your life
Let me introduce you to one of your manhood’s worse enemies: cortisol, the stress hormone.

T doctors probably never mention cortisol. But here are the facts:

The more stress you feel, the more cortisol is released in your body. And several studies suggest a link between high cortisol and low testosterone![7]

Low T, of course, is what can turn you from a Sexual Stallion into a Limp Wimp.

Enter Holy Basil. In a small randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, scientists in India reported that Holy Basil slashed cortisol levels and…
“Remarkably reduced” the symptoms of sexual problems
by as much as 87.5%!
Scientists don’t usually use giddy terms like “remarkably” in their journal reports. But apparently, by curbing cortisol, both male and female patients experienced an improvement in sexual problems in just six weeks! Although more studies need to be done, this suggests a real sexual boost from Holy Basil.

But there’s more! Holy Basil also has this amazing bonus benefit
An herb that could give you the same benefits as spending hours at the gym!
It turns out Holy Basil has a phytonutrient that boosts levels of irisin — the “Exercise Hormone.”

A biologist at Harvard Medical School discovered that the Exercise Hormone is one of the most exciting fat-busting, muscle-building findings of our time.

In early lab studies, it was given to sedentary mice. Amazingly, these “couch potato” mice showed the same health benefits as their fellow mice who had been hot-footing it on the treadmill for hours!

Scientists have not yet confirmed this effect in humans (and frankly, I would NEVER want my patients to skip the gym). But here are the incredible Holy Basil Exercise Hormone benefits we DO know.
While human studies have yet to be done, University of Florida researchers found the Exercise Hormone is a high-powered fat burner in human cell culture studies[9] ...
  • It converts calorie-storing white fat into energy-generating brown fat cells for easier weight loss
  • It boosts your energy expenditure when you’re physically active
  • It continues to burn fat even AFTER you finish exercising!
When you consider one of the biggest effects of estrogen overload is fat — including spare tires around the waist and man boobs — Holy Basil’s fat-busting exercise hormone is truly a godsend for men.
Energy way up
"My energy levels are up to the point where I can exercise in the gym — something I haven't done in years. I feel optimistic when I wake up in the morning and I'm more productive than I've ever been in my life."  – Kevin F.
A new girlfriend at age 73
"When I first met Dr. Sears, I didn't think anyone could help me. I had no energy... no motivation to do much of anything. But within 3 months, I started to feel years younger. Last week I turned 73 and feel fantastic. I can walk 18 holes, have a few beers, and throw a steak on the grill. I even have a new girlfriend — imagine, at my age! What can I say? Dr. Sears achieved what I thought was impossible. I owe him everything...”  – Jack C.
Less belly fat
“[EstroCleanse] has really helped me with stamina, strength, and kept me in better shape with a flatter stomach.”  – Paul E.
The sexual threat your doctor
never told you about
If you’re serious about revitalizing your manhood, there’s one last testosterone robber we need to talk about. One I’ll bet your doctor has never mentioned.

Its name is prolactin, the “hidden hormone” found mainly in pregnant and nursing women. Men have small amounts of it, but that amount can increase with age.

But if that amount becomes too much…

Prolactin can impact your sexual prowess and cripple the effectiveness of your testosterone!

When testosterone is compromised, get ready for an onslaught of sexual misery:

Inability to get hard and achieve strong bedroom performance… lower sperm output… zapped energy… torpedoed sex drive… decreased muscle mass… and swollen breasts.

According to a UCLA School of Medicine study, excess prolactin can result in decreased testosterone and erection difficulties.

That’s why I feel any formula for restoring sexual performance and masculine power should curb prolactin.

Fortunately, on my expeditions to Europe and Asia, I found an amazing botanical secret that can do just that.

It’s called Vitex agnus castus, commonly known as Chaste Tree Berry.
This medicinal plant has been used for centuries throughout the Mediterranean region for hormone relief. Scientists recently found out the secret to its effectiveness.

According to 2018 research at Denmark’s University of Copenhagen,[11] Chaste Tree Berry is rich in phytonutrients (called diterpenoids) that support healthy normal prolactin levels.
And Chaste Tree Berry contains an enormous array of these nutrients.

In fact, it works so well to ease hormone-related issues that scientists view it as a potential source for future pharmaceutical treatments.

You, of course, can benefit from Chaste Tree Berry right now in Estro-Cleanse Plus.
Two decades ago, a scientist was examining Colorado River bass and saw something that made him nearly jump out of his skin.
70% of the male fish had developed 
female sex organs.[12]
The cause was tracked to estrogen pollutants in the water. Scientists have known for years about these endocrine disruptors. But NEVER had they seen them trigger such radical, shocking sexual mutations.

Dr. Al Sears himself noted that male alligators in Florida's polluted Lake Apopka had smaller genitals. And that half of male Florida panthers had undescended testicles.

Estrogen-caused mutations in frogs, eagles, and polar bears abound. Which made Dr. Sears wonder…

If environmental estrogens are this harmful to nature, what are they doing to humans?

The shocking answer: Plunging testosterone. Softer manhood. Lower sperm counts. And more.

Dr. Sears went right to work developing a way to neutralize these feminizing chemicals in men. His solution: Estro-Cleanse Plus.

Thousands of men have shown Estro-Cleanse Plus works for them. It’s guaranteed to work for you, too.
Decide today to STOP the effects of girly hormones and START enjoying the masculine vitality and pleasure you deserve
Let me tell you, the sexual issues you’re having… they’re not just the “stuff” that happens from getting older. They’re the result of a massive, below-the-radar sexual assault by feminizing estrogens that are coming at you from every corner.

As you’ve seen, compared to our parents and grandparents, men today have far lower testosterone levels, far higher body fat, and far more erectile difficulty.

These chemicals harm your health, zap your self-confidence, and make you feel sexually “out to pasture” way before your time.

You should not put up with it. And with Estro-Cleanse Plus, you don’t have to.
Estro-Cleanse Plus is a revolutionary next-generation testosterone solution. Already, it’s revitalized the masculinity and sex lives of thousands of 40+ American men.
And here’s a novel benefit: we actually GUARANTEE Estro-Cleanse Plus will work for you.

If for any reason, you’re not 100% thrilled with Estro-Cleanse Plus’ results, we’ll return every single cent you paid.
When’s the last time another medical doctor gave you that guarantee?
Decide today to:
  • Supersize your sex life with a whole new level of passion and pleasure
  • Bring back youthful muscle tone, and get rid of flabby belly fat
  • Prime your pump with firmer, longer-lasting bedroom performance
  • Enjoy greater vitality and stamina, as you had in your youth
  • Feel on top of the world with renewed testosterone dominance
Many of my Estro-Cleanse patients tell me they feel better, stronger, and happier than they have in years. They wake up feeling great every morning, with an upbeat state of mind.

Instead of falling asleep on the couch, they have rousing bedroom dates with their partners. They travel. They go golfing, cycling, and even surfing. They attend parties, dances, and sports events. They fully embrace life.

The choice is yours... 

Do you want to allow yourself to look and act old, or do you want to be out there enjoying robust sex, experiencing new adventures, and feeling 100% alive?

Do yourself a favor… Try Estro-Cleanse Plus. The results will recharge your masculinity and quite literally change your life.

Estro-Cleanse Plus has been proven to undo estrogen dosing and promote male strength... energy... sexual vitality... motivation... fitness... confidence... and sexual performance.

It makes it easier to fight fat and build muscle. It promotes better moods and a happier outlook on life. And it can literally transform your life.

But first, you have to try it and feel the benefits for yourself.

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. You can return your purchase any time within 90 days for a complete and prompt refund if you’re not thrilled with Estro-Cleanse Plus. And…
Estrogen can turn men
into women — literally!
Estrogen dosing is what men do who want to become women (i.e. trans women). The Cleveland Clinic says it helps them lower their testosterone and raise their estrogen. It causes them to develop breasts, softer skin, and rounder hips. It also leads to decreased muscle mass, fewer erections, and smaller testicles.[13]

I completely support whatever people want to be, but if trans womanhood is not what you signed up for, you should reduce your estrogen dominance now.

Guess what else the secret dosing of estrogen does to you: It makes you fatSince 1960, the average American man has gained 33 pounds! 

1960: 166 pounds[14] Today: 199 pounds[15]

Here’s another shocker: The fatter you are, the more likely you are to have erectile problems![16]

Put Estro-Cleanse Plus to work for you today.
With the BEST DEAL, you also receive 3 Special e-Reports I’ve written that will speed up your journey to rapid rejuvenation.
FREE GIFT #1 – A $19.95 value!
Purify Your Body in 6 Easy Steps
Environmental estrogens are just some of the toxins that overwhelm our bodies today.

Skin issues, joint pain, and anxiety are just a few of the signs you may be saturated with toxins from the food you eat and the air you breathe.

This report describes six secrets that make it easy to flush toxic buildup out of your body and achieve vibrant good health.
FREE GIFT #2 – A $19.95 value!
45 Days To A Younger You
Learn how to burn energy like a 20-year-old – and live to be a healthy, active 100-year-old.

These scientific breakthroughs in anti-aging research reveal powerful new ways you can slow down and even reverse many of the signs of old age.

Restore age-muscle loss, improve brain health, increase stamina, and more.
FREE GIFT #3 – A $19.95 value!
Top 10 Fat-Burning Workouts
These easy, 12-minute-a-day workouts are all you need to melt fat and build muscle like never before. Compared to cardio or aerobics, Dr. Sears’ exercises will leave you feeling invigorated instead of tired.

And they can be done anywhere — at home or on the road, with no equipment needed. Add these fat-burning routines to your Estro-Cleanse Plus regime to complete your full masculine rejuvenation.
The Special e-Reports you receive with the BEST DEAL are yours to keep and use in good health, absolutely FREE.

They’re my “thank you” for giving Estro-Cleanse Plus a try because I’m confident that once you do, you won’t want to give it up.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. Remember, you will receive 3 FREE Special e-Reports valued at a total of $59.85 just for trying Estro-Cleanse Plus. And you keep the e-Reports — even if you return your purchase! With multi-bottle discounts and our 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee, now is the best time ever to see what this powerful formula can do.
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You’ll get ONE FREE BOTTLE when you buy two bottles of Estro-Cleanse PLUS for only $59.95. That's a 33% discount over our regular per-bottle price.

You will also receive three Special e-Reports I’ve written that will speed your journey to rapid rejuvenation FREE, plus Free Shipping.

That’s three bottles for the price of two, and a 33% discount over our regular per-bottle price, plus three FREE gifts!
That’s an Annual Savings of Over $167!
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1. Shamhari A' et al. “Bisphenol A and Its Analogues Deteriorate the Hormones Physiological Function of the Male Reproductive System: A Mini-Review,” Biomedicines. 2021 Nov 22;9(11):1744.

2. Barbagallo F, et al., “Effects of Bisphenols on Testicular Steroidogenesis,” Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Jun 30;11:373.

3. Barbagallo F, et al., “Effects of Bisphenols on Testicular Steroidogenesis,” Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Jun 30;11:373.

4. Cariati F, et al "Bisphenol a: an emerging threat to male fertility," Reprod Biol Endocrinol. Jan. 20, 2019;17(1):6

5. “Testosterone: What it is and how it affects your health,” Dr. Howard E. Levine, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School (, 6/22/2023

6. Barbagallo F, Condorelli RA, Mongioì LM, Cannarella R, Aversa A, Calogero AE, La Vignera S. Effects of Bisphenols on Testicular Steroidogenesis. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Jun 30;11:373.

7. Lokeshwar S, et al., “Decline in Serum Testosterone Levels Among Adolescent and Young Adult Men in the USA,” European Urology Focus, July 4, 2021; 7(4):886

8. Choi, Youngshim e al. “Indole-3-carbinol prevents diet-induced obesity through modulation of multiple genes related to adipogenesis, thermogenesis or inflammation in the visceral adipose tissue of mice.” Journal of Nutr Biochem. Dec 2012.

9. Linus Pauling Institute. Idole-3-Carbinol. chemicals/ndole-3-carbinol. Updated January 2017. Accessed October 31, 2018.

10. Smith S, et al. “3,3’-diindolylmethane and genistein decrease the adverse effects of estrogen in LNCaP and PC-3 prostate cancer cells.” J Nutr. 2008;138(12):2379–2385.

11. Knight, Erik L. et al. “Exogenous testosterone enhances cortisol and affective responses to social-evaluative stress in dominant men.” Psychoneuroendocrinology. Nov. 2017.

12. Saxena, RC et all. “Efficacy of an Extract of Ocimum tenuiflorum (OciBest) in the Management of General Stress: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study.” Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicine. 2011

13. Finley, B. “Gender-bending bass found in Yampa River”. The Denver Post. Sept. 14, 2009

14. Zhang, Yuan. “Irisin exerts dual effects on browning and adipogenesis of human white adipocytes.” American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. Aug. 2016.

15. “Americans Slightly Taller, Much Heavier than 40 Years Ago” Center for Disease ( media/pressrel/r041027.htm) Control, Oct. 2004.

16. “Body Measurements”. Center for Disease Control. (
nchs/fastats/body-measurements.htm) Sept. 10, 2021.

17.  Zeitlin, Scott I. et al. “Hyperprolactinemia and Erectile Dysfunction”. Reviews in Urology, Winter 2000.

18. Heskes AM, et al. “Biosynthesis of bioactive diterpenoids in the medicinal plant Vitex agnus-castus.”
Plant J. 2018;93(5):943–958.

19. “Feminizing Hormone Therapy”. Cleveland Clinic, (https://my.clevelandclinic.
org/health/treatments/21653-feminizing-hormone-therapy) June 2021.

20. Esposito, K . “Obesity and sexual dysfunction, male and female”. International Journal of Impotence Research. April 10, 2008.
*The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Primal Force: 11905 Southern Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411
Top Men’s Health MD exposes the stealth chemical assault threatening to steal your vitality and scuttle your sex drive
Globalists have unleashed an unholy war on a man’s vigor. Because to create that perfect “woke” world, where everyone is equal, where no one is offended, men must pay the price.

This is a sneak attack – a chemical attack. And, as science has finally revealed, the attack is aimed directly at men’s testicles where testosterone is made.[1]

In fact, a comprehensive review of research done on both animals and humans concluded that widespread use of THIS toxic chemical is “dangerous for testicular development and function” and is the enemy of male sexual and reproductive health.[2]

But there are steps you can take to fight off the attack, because this insidious feminizing chemical is hiding everywhere. It’s in the air. It’s in your fruits and vegetables, your shampoo – even most medical equipment.[3]
That’s why without a strong defense, men are at the mercy of this attack. In fact, one scientific study found the chemical at “above safety thresholds,” in the urine of 90% of people in the study. [4]

The result?

Modern man is at risk of stubborn indignities such as…
  • Man boobs.
  • Love handles.
  • Belly droop.
  • ​Loss of muscle mass.
  • ​Lack of focus.
  • ​Lost libido.
  • ​Disappointing erection power from time to time,
  • ​Or worse. [5]
And the assault is relentless. As years of research have found, this sustained attack has diminished the thing that makes a man a man – his testosterone. All while making his female hormones suddenly more dominant.[6,7]
That’s because in the new world order, you must first be feminized – reduced. The easiest way to turn your hardwood into kindling is to scramble your hormones.

It’s why you need to fight back, now. Because sooner or later, you can imagine the world is going to make men proud of their man boobs. It’ll be a natural extension of the vast conspiracy to cripple man’s natural virility you see today.

And since the globalists’ ultimate goal is control – to make you docile on the job, satisfied with less, listless in bed, or worse…

If you find yourself checking out classic movies where real men thrived, or you miss the tavern where you could speak your mind, or you find that your love handles and man boobs are just plain stubborn…
Please take a few minutes with me, the leader of the counterattack against the coup on manhood.

I’m Dr. Al Sears – a specialist in aging and in male performance – and I’ll show you the culprits that have you under siege.

Because of my specialty, I can share with you the testosterone therapy secrets that most doctors probably wouldn’t tell you.

These secrets will arm you with the weapons, and the knowledge, that will allow you to turn back this pernicious enemy and restore the vim and vigor of your younger years.

That means in the bedroom, too.

“My next-generation testosterone solution is the single most popular treatment I have. When men try it, they experience incredible results. Often thanking me in person“

It’s all why, today, I’m going to show you how to stop the chemical bombardment you’re unwittingly being exposed to with a next-generation way to set your testosterone free again…

This is a way to neutralize the chemical attack and restore healthy testosterone levels – so your manhood and virility can come roaring back at the same levels you experienced in your sexual prime.
I’m talking about…
  • Rock-hard performance, rising quickly and staying strong
  • Intense sexual pleasure like when they were red-blooded 20-somethings
  • Complete satisfaction, knowing they’ve left their women wanting more
  • Pride in their bodies, feeling tighter, stronger, and more muscular
  • And more energy and stamina than they’ve had in years
One patient of mine, 68-year-old Milo, complained of sexual performance issues and “feeling held back” despite a fairly healthy lifestyle. But after six weeks in my care, he was a completely new man and was excited to tell me, “I have never felt better!”

And Milo isn’t the only one... At the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, we specialize in natural, cutting-edge solutions that work wonders when traditional medicine fails.

That’s why, when it comes to male sexual performance…
"My next-generation testosterone solution is the single most popular treatment I have. When men try it, they experience incredible results. Often thanking me in person."
How does it work? By going in the complete OPPOSITE direction of most testosterone therapies…

You see, most doctors focus on your testosterone levels when they should be addressing a far more urgent problem

Right now, American men are being secretly dosed with environmental estrogens that are canceling out the effectiveness of T therapy.

It’s sending your testosterone into a tailspin and opening up a Pandora’s Box of sexual imbalances.

These rogue estrogens are everywhere, and you can pick them up from shampoos, plastic bags, carpets, skin creams, food containers, beef, pesticides, rivers, bottle tops… There’s just no hiding from them.

Just some of the sources of testosterone-harming chemicals

And although we’ve known about hormone disruptors for years, a new report is now showing they’re MUCH MORE PREVALENT and MUCH MORE DAMAGING than most people thought possible.
A new 20-year study by hormone specialist Shanna Swan, Ph.D.,[3] reveals that BPAs (industrial chemicals used to make plastic) are spiking men’s estrogen levels and draining them of their sexual vitality.

She reports that testosterone and sperm counts have collapsed by an unbelievable 50% over the last 50 years! And unfortunately, men’s sexual performance has followed suit.

Once you’re flooded with estrogens, T therapy doesn’t have a chance.
FACT: All the testosterone in the world won’t help you until you neutralize those excess estrogens.
And that’s exactly what Estro-Cleanse Plus does:  
Neutralize excess estrogens so your T levels can return to optimal virile levels. It’s my new ground-breaking, next-generation testosterone solution.

Once you’re unshackled from these girly hormones, your testosterone will naturally rise and reclaim its rightful dominance within you.

You’ll be Master of the Bedroom once again — and feel on top of the world.
Within three months, you should experience a near-total masculinity recharge:
  • Your libido: Stronger, with invigorated sexual desire and pleasure
  • Your manhood: Harder, fuller, and with a longer-lasting, stallion-like performance
  • Your body: Looks trim and muscular as the flab melts away
  • Your energy: Up! As you experience levels you thought lost with youth
  • Your prostate: Feels relaxed, with fewer trips to the bathroom at night
It’s the complete all-natural way to rediscover your former glory.
The 2 Dirty Little Secrets of Testosterone Therapy
1. It’s not about total testosterone. It’s about BALANCE.
Two men can have the exact same testosterone levelsBut if one also has high estrogen, he will have a disappointing sex life.

If the other has low estrogen, he’s going to look and act like a full-blooded, studly American male.

2 to 1 Testosterone to                 5 to 1 Testosterone to
Estrogen ratio: Unhealthy        Estrogen ratio: Healthy
2. Adding testosterone can HURT your sex life even more!
Here’s a truth that every male health doctor should know, but few do:
When men receive testosterone injections, their bodies convert a sizable part of that into estrogen.

You read that right: estrogen.

All thanks to men’s aromatase enzyme. Higher amounts of this enzyme mean more of your testosterone will convert into estrogen.

If you’re over 50, you likely have MORE aromatase and, hence, MORE estrogen.

That’s just one reason why for 30 years, I’ve been warning my patients about the risks of testosterone therapy.

T therapy can sometimes trigger the feminizing effects you’re trying to avoid — right down to enlarged man breasts and shrinking testicles!

By reducing estrogen dominance — instead of adding testosterone — Estro-Cleanse Plus helps you achieve the perfect manly balance.
Get as high as 8 to 1, testosterone to estrogen, and you feel like superman. Strapping, tough, and able to take on the world.
Dr. Sears was one of the first to recognize the threat of gender-bending chemicals in the environment.
Over 20 years ago, he made the shocking discovery that testosterone-robbing pollutants were actually shrinking the genitals of Florida alligators.
He immediately began developing a solution to neutralize these environmental chemicals for men, to protect their manhood from the feminizing effects of these hormones. 

The result…
Estro-Cleanse Plus is now one of the most sought-after products among Dr. Sears’ 36 botanical formulas
Once men try it, they keep coming back for more. In contrast to traditional testosterone therapy, Estro-Cleanse Plus really works to restore and retain the sexual power of 40+ men.
Once you neutralize your excess estrogen, your testosterone can be unleashed and regain its natural dominance, refueling every inch of your manhood and infusing you with confidence to spare — at home, at work, and in every area of your life.

Some drugs promise to do that. But drugs are what caused these problems. We need to suppress synthetic chemicals, not add more.

Especially when all-natural solutions can do the job better. And with no unwanted side effects.
Dr. Sears has helped thousands of men achieve maximum male vitality.
“I cannot remember feeling this good, even as a kid.”
In all the years I had relied on traditional doctors, it seemed I would always get a new prescription that would make me feel awful again.

Dr. Sears gave me a non-drug therapy of supplements, and I immediately started to feel better. My follow-up blood tests kept getting better and better. All without prescription medications!

It’s my mission to share this breakthrough with as many men as I can.

At 64 years old, I cannot remember feeling this good, even as a kid. And I seem to feel better and better every day. I have been following Dr. Sears' advice for less than one year, and I feel better, sharper, and more alive than after five years of using traditional medical doctors.
When I first saw Dr. Sears, my muscles were flabby. Now I’m toning up. I am exercising again. Feel much stronger and more energetic.

My body is surprisingly toned. I certainly don't feel 64 anymore. I feel much younger. I feel so good. It is almost beyond description.

I am astounded that something this obvious is ignored by mainstream medicine. Overall, I am ecstatic with the results I have experienced.  – William M.
Let Estro-Cleanse Plus put these double-power estrogen tamers to work for you.
I consider two little-known phytonutrients the strongest hormone balancers in nature.

One is called diindolylmethane (DIM for short). The other, indole-3-carbinol (or I3C). Despite their chemical-sounding names, they are both 100% natural phytonutrients–nutrients obtained from plants.

Both come from a family of nutrient-packed vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, and kale.

Here’s how they could pump up your masculinity.
  • “Pulverize” feminizing estrogens.
Both DIM and I3C support the breakdown of estrogen into harmless compounds in your bloodstream.

They clear the path to a healthier hormone balance where estrogen levels are curbed, and testosterone maintains its rightful place.

That’s about 4 to 8 parts testosterone for every 1 part of estrogen. I believe that’s the ideal ratio for a healthy American male.

Because DIM and I3C support a better metabolism, they appear to promote the active release of stored fat, according to a Korean mouse study — making it easier to shed pounds, decrease body fat, and build greater muscle mass.[4]

A meta-review carried out by the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University above confirms the metabolizing and removal of estrogen by both I3C and DIM.[5]

Another study at New York’s Albert Einstein School of Medicine published in the prestigious Journal of Nutrition confirms that DIM supports the reduction of unwanted estrogen in men.[6]
  • Curtail “bad” estrogens.
A few “supervillain” estrogens, such as 16-hydroxy, can be especially harmful to men. They’re often caused by environmental chemicals seeping into your body.

But DIM and I3C make quick work of them, according to the Linus Pauling Institute.
  • Stop testosterone from turning into estrogen.
As you saw, when testosterone is added to your body, it often does the opposite of what you want. It turns into estrogen — and for that, you can thank the enzyme aromatase.

Frankly, just getting older can also trigger aromatase to flip testosterone into estrogen. Either way, you wind up with lower T levels, higher female hormones, and squashed libido.

DIM and IC3 come to the rescue again… Together, they can help inhibit this unwelcome enzyme from draining away your masculinity and help you regain the pleasure and power of testosterone dominance.
  • Free up bound testosterone.
High estrogen can put testosterone in handcuffs. And shackled T is associated with excess body fat, reduced sex drive, and soft manhood.

Only free testosterone can cross into the brain, muscle, and fat cells, enabling it to activate your sexual appetite and performance.

Our twin heroes, DIM and I3C, have shown their ability to liberate testosterone from estrogen’s girly grip, allowing it to infuse its macho power and sexual energy with you.
  • Support your prostate health
“Good” hydroxyestrone also helps protect your prostate.

Estrogen can accumulate in prostate tissue, causing it to swell and send you on too-frequent trips to the bathroom at night.

DIM and I3C support estrogen’s natural breakdown so your prostate can maintain its healthy function.
Estro-Cleanse tops other supplements
Michael felt like he’d been on a slow downward progression for four years. After working with Dr. Sears, “I have been going in the right direction.” He has benefited from a few of Dr. Sear’s supplements but says Estro-Cleanse Plus “seems to have had the greatest effect.”  – Michael M.
“Wonderful Results”
Estro-Cleanse Plus has demonstrated wonderful results for me personally. It has helped to regulate my hormones. I’m a 76-year-old male whose estrogen levels made me feel old and out of shape – but are now in a healthy range!”  – Hugh S.
"The transformation is miraculous. I'm definitely stronger and a lot leaner. And I can't believe how fast it worked. Life is good again. I'm so alert and energetic. Anything is possible now."  – Jay M.
Two more ways Estro-Cleanse Plus helps you revitalize your virility
There are two more testosterone robbers that we also need to dispense of...

In my travels around the world, I discovered two extraordinary botanicals that crush them both. They are now key ingredients of Estro-Cleanse Plus.

Holy Basil is an Ayurvedic medicinal plant of India that’s been revered for its rejuvenating powers for more than 3,000 years.

It turns out to be loaded to the gills with healthy bioactive compounds. But here’s what I think has made it so popular with men over these centuries. Scientific studies suggest that…
Holy Basil removes one of the biggest obstacles standing between you and the best sex of your life
Let me introduce you to one of your manhood’s worse enemies: cortisol, the stress hormone.

T doctors probably never mention cortisol. But here are the facts:

The more stress you feel, the more cortisol is released in your body. And several studies suggest a link between high cortisol and low testosterone![7]

Low T, of course, is what can turn you from a Sexual Stallion into a Limp Wimp.

Enter Holy Basil. In a small randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, scientists in India reported that Holy Basil slashed cortisol levels and…
“Remarkably reduced” the symptoms of sexual problems
by as much as 87.5%!
Scientists don’t usually use giddy terms like “remarkably” in their journal reports. But apparently, by curbing cortisol, both male and female patients experienced an improvement in sexual problems in just six weeks! Although more studies need to be done, this suggests a real sexual boost from Holy Basil.

But there’s more! Holy Basil also has this amazing bonus benefit
An herb that could give you the same benefits
as spending hours at the gym!
It turns out Holy Basil has a phytonutrient that boosts levels of irisin — the “Exercise Hormone.”

A biologist at Harvard Medical School discovered that the Exercise Hormone is one of the most exciting fat-busting, muscle-building findings of our time.

In early lab studies, it was given to sedentary mice. Amazingly, these “couch potato” mice showed the same health benefits as their fellow mice who had been hot-footing it on the treadmill for hours!

Scientists have not yet confirmed this effect in humans (and frankly, I would NEVER want my patients to skip the gym). But here are the incredible Holy Basil Exercise Hormone benefits we DO know.
While human studies have yet to be done, University of Florida researchers found the Exercise Hormone is a high-powered fat burner in human cell culture studies[9] ...
  • It converts calorie-storing white fat into energy-generating brown fat cells for easier weight loss
  • It boosts your energy expenditure when you’re physically active
  • It continues to burn fat even AFTER you finish exercising!
When you consider one of the biggest effects of estrogen overload is fat — including spare tires around the waist and man boobs — Holy Basil’s fat-busting exercise hormone is truly a godsend for men.
Energy way up
"My energy levels are up to the point where I can exercise in the gym — something I haven't done in years. I feel optimistic when I wake up in the morning and I'm more productive than I've ever been in my life."  – Kevin F.
A new girlfriend at age 73
"When I first met Dr. Sears, I didn't think anyone could help me. I had no energy... no motivation to do much of anything. But within 3 months, I started to feel years younger. Last week I turned 73 and feel fantastic. I can walk 18 holes, have a few beers, and throw a steak on the grill. I even have a new girlfriend — imagine, at my age! What can I say? Dr. Sears achieved what I thought was impossible. I owe him everything...”  – Jack C.
Less belly fat
“[EstroCleanse] has really helped me with stamina, strength, and kept me in better shape with a flatter stomach.”  – Paul E.
The sexual threat your doctor
never told you about
If you’re serious about revitalizing your manhood, there’s one last testosterone robber we need to talk about. One I’ll bet your doctor has never mentioned.

Its name is prolactin, the “hidden hormone” found mainly in pregnant and nursing women. Men have small amounts of it, but that amount can increase with age.

But if that amount becomes too much…

Prolactin can impact your sexual prowess and cripple the effectiveness of your testosterone!

When testosterone is compromised, get ready for an onslaught of sexual misery:

Inability to get hard and achieve strong bedroom performance… lower sperm output… zapped energy… torpedoed sex drive… decreased muscle mass… and swollen breasts.

According to a UCLA School of Medicine study, excess prolactin can result in decreased testosterone and erection difficulties.

That’s why I feel any formula for restoring sexual performance and masculine power should curb prolactin.

Fortunately, on my expeditions to Europe and Asia, I found an amazing botanical secret that can do just that.

It’s called Vitex agnus castus, commonly known as Chaste Tree Berry.
This medicinal plant has been used for centuries throughout the Mediterranean region for hormone relief. Scientists recently found out the secret to its effectiveness.

According to 2018 research at Denmark’s University of Copenhagen,[11] Chaste Tree Berry is rich in phytonutrients (called diterpenoids) that support healthy normal prolactin levels.
And Chaste Tree Berry contains an enormous array of these nutrients.

In fact, it works so well to ease hormone-related issues that scientists view it as a potential source for future pharmaceutical treatments.

You, of course, can benefit from Chaste Tree Berry right now in Estro-Cleanse Plus.
Early warning signs that men may be in deep sexual trouble
Two decades ago, a scientist was examining Colorado River bass and saw something that made him nearly jump out of his skin.
70% of the male fish had developed 
female sex organs.[12]
The cause was tracked to estrogen pollutants in the water. Scientists have known for years about these endocrine disruptors. But NEVER had they seen them trigger such radical, shocking sexual mutations.

Dr. Al Sears himself noted that male alligators in Florida's polluted Lake Apopka had smaller genitals. And that half of male Florida panthers had undescended testicles.

Estrogen-caused mutations in frogs, eagles, and polar bears abound. Which made Dr. Sears wonder…

If environmental estrogens are this harmful to nature, what are they doing to humans?

The shocking answer: Plunging testosterone. Softer manhood. Lower sperm counts. And more.

Dr. Sears went right to work developing a way to neutralize these feminizing chemicals in men. His solution: Estro-Cleanse Plus.

Thousands of men have shown Estro-Cleanse Plus works for them. It’s guaranteed to work for you, too.
Decide today to STOP the effects of girly hormones and START enjoying the masculine vitality and pleasure you deserve
Let me tell you, the sexual issues you’re having… they’re not just the “stuff” that happens from getting older. They’re the result of a massive, below-the-radar sexual assault by feminizing estrogens that are coming at you from every corner.

As you’ve seen, compared to our parents and grandparents, men today have far lower testosterone levels, far higher body fat, and far more erectile difficulty.

These chemicals harm your health, zap your self-confidence, and make you feel sexually “out to pasture” way before your time.

You should not put up with it. And with Estro-Cleanse Plus, you don’t have to.
Estro-Cleanse Plus is a revolutionary next-generation testosterone solution. Already, it’s revitalized the masculinity and sex lives of thousands of 40+ American men.
And here’s a novel benefit: we actually GUARANTEE Estro-Cleanse Plus will work for you.

If for any reason, you’re not 100% thrilled with Estro-Cleanse Plus’ results, we’ll return every single cent you paid.
When’s the last time another medical doctor gave you that guarantee?
Decide today to:
  • Supersize your sex life with a whole new level of passion and pleasure
  • Bring back youthful muscle tone, and get rid of flabby belly fat
  • Prime your pump with firmer, longer-lasting bedroom performance
  • Enjoy greater vitality and stamina, as you had in your youth
  • Feel on top of the world with renewed testosterone dominance
Many of my Estro-Cleanse patients tell me they feel better, stronger, and happier than they have in years. They wake up feeling great every morning, with an upbeat state of mind.

Instead of falling asleep on the couch, they have rousing bedroom dates with their partners. They travel. They go golfing, cycling, and even surfing. They attend parties, dances, and sports events. They fully embrace life.

The choice is yours... 

Do you want to allow yourself to look and act old, or do you want to be out there enjoying robust sex, experiencing new adventures, and feeling 100% alive?

Do yourself a favor… Try Estro-Cleanse Plus. The results will recharge your masculinity and quite literally change your life.

Estro-Cleanse Plus has been proven to undo estrogen dosing and promote male strength... energy... sexual vitality... motivation... fitness... confidence... and sexual performance.

It makes it easier to fight fat and build muscle. It promotes better moods and a happier outlook on life. And it can literally transform your life.

But first, you have to try it and feel the benefits for yourself.

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. You can return your purchase any time within 90 days for a complete and prompt refund if you’re not thrilled with Estro-Cleanse Plus. And…
Estrogen can turn men
into women — literally!
Estrogen dosing is what men do who want to become women (i.e. trans women). The Cleveland Clinic says it helps them lower their testosterone and raise their estrogen. It causes them to develop breasts, softer skin, and rounder hips. It also leads to decreased muscle mass, fewer erections, and smaller testicles.[13]

I completely support whatever people want to be, but if trans womanhood is not what you signed up for, you should reduce your estrogen dominance now.

Guess what else the secret dosing of estrogen does to you: It makes you fatSince 1960, the average American man has gained 33 pounds! 

1960: 166 pounds[14] Today: 199 pounds[15]

Here’s another shocker: The fatter you are, the more likely you are to have erectile problems![16]

Put Estro-Cleanse Plus to work for you today.
With the BEST DEAL, you also receive 3
Special e-Reports I’ve written that will speed up your journey to rapid rejuvenation.
FREE GIFT #1 – A $19.95 value!
Purify Your Body in 6 Easy Steps
Environmental estrogens are just some of the toxins that overwhelm our bodies today.

Skin issues, joint pain, and anxiety are just a few of the signs you may be saturated with toxins from the food you eat and the air you breathe.

This report describes six secrets that make it easy to flush toxic buildup out of your body and achieve vibrant good health.
FREE GIFT #2 – A $19.95 value!
45 Days To A Younger You
Learn how to burn energy like a 20-year-old – and live to be a healthy, active 100-year-old.

These scientific breakthroughs in anti-aging research reveal powerful new ways you can slow down and even reverse many of the signs of old age.

Restore age-muscle loss, improve brain health, increase stamina, and more.
FREE GIFT #3 – A $19.95 value!
Top 10 Fat-Burning Workouts
These easy, 12-minute-a-day workouts are all you need to melt fat and build muscle like never before. Compared to cardio or aerobics, Dr. Sears’ exercises will leave you feeling invigorated instead of tired.

And they can be done anywhere — at home or on the road, with no equipment needed. Add these fat-burning routines to your Estro-Cleanse Plus regime to complete your full masculine rejuvenation.
The Special e-Reports you receive with the BEST DEAL are yours to keep and use in good health, absolutely FREE.

They’re my “thank you” for giving Estro-Cleanse Plus a try because I’m confident that once you do, you won’t want to give it up.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. Remember, you will receive 3 FREE Special e-Reports valued at a total of $59.85 just for trying Estro-Cleanse Plus. And you keep the e-Reports — even if you return your purchase! With multi-bottle discounts and our 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee, now is the best time ever to see what this powerful formula can do.
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You’ll get ONE FREE BOTTLE when you buy two bottles of Estro-Cleanse PLUS for only $59.95. That's a 33% discount over our regular per-bottle price.
You will also receive three Special e-Reports I’ve written that will speed your journey to rapid rejuvenation FREE, plus Free Shipping.
That’s three bottles for the price of two, and a 33% discount over our regular per-bottle price, plus three FREE gifts!


Order a 1-month supply of Estro-Cleanse Plus for just $29.95 per bottle, plus shipping and handling.
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*The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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Primal Force: 11905 Southern Blvd., Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411